Opportunities In Private Dentistry In The UK – A Comprehensive Guide


Private Dentistry In The UK

Private dental practice is the practice of dentistry done without the involvement of the NHS. Here all the discussion between a patient and a doctor occurs privately in private hospitals or clinics.

NHS dentists choose to work outside of the NHS in order to receive more funding and perform their work in a private manner. But a very small percentage of practices within the UK provide only private services and do not require NHS practice.

Dentists prefer to work privately rather than for NHS because of their liberty and more funding. With NHS, they can earn a specific amount in their salary, while in private dentistry, they earn much more. They must have a social identity by which they can get clients.

Benefits of working privately rather than for the NHS

  • Freedom to provide a wide variety of treatments
  • Dentists can operate the clinic on their own terms, with their own documentation.
  • Flexible work hours according to your own preferences.
  • There is less bureaucracy. There are no UDA targets to be met; there are no PCO crucial targets to achieve and keep track of; there are no NHS claims submissions
  • They can provide treatment of superior standard using more advanced equipment that isn't feasible in NSH since cost efficiency is an important factor to be considered in NHS.
  • Dentists are kings of their own and therefore have more respect.
  • Flexible in terms of timings, and so frequently don't mind giving additional time for the patients.
  • It is possible to focus more attention on a single patient, something they can’t do in NHS because, in NHS, they must manage multiple patients at one time.

The benefits of working for a private company could be described in one word: freedom. As a dentist working in the private sector, you enjoy a higher degree of control over the success of your practice, the tools you utilize, the treatments you offer, and the way your company is managed, as you stay within the guidelines that govern professional behavior. You meet Care Quality Commission (CQC) or similar specifications.

Private treatment has its disadvantages

Accessible to all regardless of income and easily accessible to everyone, regardless of socioeconomic status. Dental treatment is subsidized, meaning that the price is reduced.

Despite the freedom and all the above-mentioned advantages, it is a wise decision to look at the disadvantages also before taking any major step like:

  • There is no guarantee of income, and you are more prone to the economic slowdown
  • The loss of NHS pension as well as additional payments like maternity and sick pay
  • Practice owners could decide to save the best cases for them
  • Materials that are cost-effective are utilized to perform mass treatment
  • Expectations of patients to be higher
  • NHS dentists don’t work to earn money, so their services and advice are impartial, truthful and completely for your benefit. They are always working in your interests.
  • The cost of materials, new equipment, or training could be more expensive
  • Errors can arise because there aren’t any NHS documents and procedures to follow.
  • Inability to change to NHS practice in the event that you do not possess the NHS performer number
  • While being in the private industry offers the ability to control your finances, it comes at the expense of security regarding sickness, income and pensions. Additionally, private clients are more likely to have higher expectations and could cost a lot to manage.

Why do patients opt for private treatment instead of NHS treatment

Patients are very savvy. They obtain their dental prescription after comparing NHS and private dental services thoroughly. Patients prefer treatment privately instead of NHS due to the following reasons.

  • More affordable materials are utilized in NHS. e.g., Amalgam used in the molars in lieu of composite.
  • The NHS does not cover certain treatments. They include cosmetic procedures and dental implants or teeth whitening
  • Comfortable beds and an ambiance
  • Separate rooms and more compassionate staff, which isn’t so in the NHS
  • It is also possible to visit more skilled dentists and specialists who work outside the NHS or may provide more complicated treatments, too.
  • Different labs are utilized, as well as more facilities. The equipment quality is superior to NHS; therefore, people are comfortable paying more.
  • The waiting list is less. Specialists are available more frequently.
  • Each dentist takes care of one patient at a time, and the doctor focuses on each patient.
  • Flexible appointment
  • Govt. has set limitations to the quantity of NHS treatments a practice can offer. After this limit has been reached, the practice might be unable to provide further NHS treatments until the following fiscal year. Private dental clinics have no such restriction.

The future Private Dental Practitioner In the UK

Dentists begin their careers working for the NHS. They have the chance to work alongside trained and experienced specialists and to improve their abilities. While employed by the NHS, dentists also have the opportunity to treat patients privately and bring in new patients.

In practice, you might have the chance to perform private services and attract patients to create an exclusive list besides the NHS. As time passes, dentists will gain enough experience and a client base to transition away from the NHS to private practice and reap all the benefits one could enjoy working in a private practice.

Earnings from private dentist jobs in the UK

The study of dental practice indicates 2,04,710 earnings for general dentists, and 3,43,410 is the average for specialists.